Because of this, most of the neutral class factions cut ties with the major factions and because of your legacy and credentials, they all unanimously agree that you should be the one in charge, making you the de-facto leader of your entire class. Whatever forces remain decide to fight each other instead of the Legion to the point of lethal stupidity.
In Legion, the Alliance and Horde get wrecked by the Burning Legion. After the garrison is completely upgraded, you're promoted to the rank of General. And then in Warlords of Draenor, you're made Commander of a garrison in Draenor. It was even more so before when to gain the highest ranks you had to have the largest amount of honor at the end of a week, and then you had to keep killing just so you could keep it. Asskicking Equals Authority: Through the PvP system, you can gain ranks from Private to Grand Marshal in the Alliance and Grunt to High Warlord in the Horde, depending on your number of victories in Rated Battlegrounds. After Cataclysm, they began to gain more importance to the point of being considered the greatest saviors of Azeroth.
Ascended Extra: Despite being the player characters, the role of the adventurers were limited to being simply Elite Mooks and had no real importance. Ambadassador: You are the representation of your nation and your homeland in Azeroth. The Alleged Boss: In Legion, technically they are the heads of their respective classes, they are still sent on missions that should be done by subordinates. Individual media: Warcraft III Heroes | Film characters | Hearthstone characters | Warcraft characters in Heroes of the Storm ( Assassins - Warriors - Support) Other factions: The Old Horde/Iron Horde | The Scourge | Sylvanas and her followers | Knights of the Ebon Blade | Illidan and his followers | Garrosh's Horde | Pandaria | Other mortals | The Void (The Old Gods) | The Light | Eternals | Shadowlands (Death) | The Titans (Arcane) | The Burning Legion (Fel) | The Dragonflights | Wild Gods The Horde: Orgrimmar (Orcs) - The Darkspear Tribe (Trolls) - Thunder Bluff (Tauren) - The Forsaken (Undead) - Quel'Thalas (Blood Elves) - Bilgewater Cartel (Goblins) - Huojin (Pandaren) - Thunder Totem (Highmountain Tauren) - Suramar (Nightborne) - Zandalari Empire (Zandalar Trolls) - Voldunai (Vulpera) - Other (non-playable races) The Alliance: Stormwind (Humans) - Lordaeron (Humans) - Gilneas (Humans/Worgen) - Kul Tiras (Humans) - Other Human Kingdoms - Ironforge (Dwarven Clans) - Gnomeregan (Gnomes) - Quel'Thalas/Telogrus Rift (High Elves and Void Elves) - Darnassus (Night Elves) - The Exodar (Draenei) - Tushui (Pandaren) - Vindicaar (Lightforged Draenei) - Mechagon (Mechagnomes)